Jesse Lansdown and Mark Ioppolo recently attended the graduation ceremony to officially receive their PhD qualification.

John Bamberg was appointed to the board of the Research and Higher Ed committee of the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute.
This year's CMSC ECR Paper Prize was awarded to Jesse Lansdown for his paper "A family of hemisystems on the parabolic quadrics", Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 2020. With Alice C. Niemeyer.

Version 2.0.0 of the GAP package Gurobify was released by Jesse Lansdown.
Cheryl was interviewed for a Case Study in a project funded by the Invergowrie Foundation to promote women in STEM on their website as a free resource for parents and teachers.
Cheryl was interviewed by Sevvandi Kandanaarachchi for an ACEMS podcast in the series “The random sample”
Cheryl was a finalist in the Western Australian of the Year Awards (Professions).
Cheryl was interviewed by Dr Rob Bell for a “5 with 5” podcast Online: Podcasts as part of the World Science Festival Brisbane, in March 2021.
Cheryl was the inaugural recipient of the Ruby Payne-Scott Medal and Lecture of the Australian Academy of Science. She presented her lecture on May 12, the International Day for Women in Mathematics. Lecture viewable at Science at the Shine Dome 2021: Inaugural Ruby Payne-Scott Lecture
Cheryl was interviewed by Dr Tom Carruthers for a “Mug of Science” podcast entitled “Beautiful Symmetry”, as part of the Pint of Science Festival in May. Mug of Science
Cheryl was interviewed by Rachel Thomas with Will Houston for a podcast The maths and magic of shuffling” at “+plus” which accompanied the articles and
A portrait of Cheryl will be unveiled at a ceremony at UWA on September 9. The artist Evelyna Helmer will speak about this work, which she has gifted to UWA.
Cheryl chaired the Steering Committee for the “Impact of COVID-19 on women in the STEM workforce, Asia-Pacific project”, conducted between December 2020 and June 2021, by the Australian Academy of Science, and funded through the Regional Collaborations Programme (RCP) of the Australian Government’s Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources (DISER) .
Annual Research Retreat
The annual CMSC research retreat took place in June (winter!) this year. Once again, we stayed in the Moondyne Country Convention Centre in the marvellous Avon Valley and enjoyed the exceptional hospitality of our hosts Christine and Peter. For the first time, we saw the Avon Valley green and the river gushing. We had two external visitors this year: Alice Niemeyer (RWTH Aachen, Gemany) and Stephen Tornier (University of Newcastle, NSW). Altogether, this year's retreat had 10 participants, who worked on 7 problems, We look forward to sharing our insights in the form of publications, and to returning to this very productive research event next year as well.

For an up to date list of visitors, see here.
Alice Niemeyer (November 2020 - August 2021) visiting Cheryl Praeger and Stephen Glasby
Stephan Tornier (June 9, 2021 - June 23 2021)
Michael gave a talk on Commuting graphs in the Research Discussion on Graphs and Groups are CUSAT, Kochi, India (online). 4th August, 2021
Michael was an invited speaker at the 11th Iranian Conference on Graph Theory and Algebraic Combinatorics, Urmia University, Iran (online). 4-5th March 2021. His talk was entitled `s-arc-transitive graphs and digraphs’
Michael was an invited speaker for Ischia Group Theory 2020/2021 (online). 25-26th March 2021. His talk was entitled `Automorphism orbits of groups and the Monster’.
Michael gave a talk at the BIRS workshop on `Totally Disconnected Locally Compact Groups via Group Actions’ (online) 15th-20th August 2021, entitled `2-closed groups and automorphism groups of digraphs’.
John gave a talk at the BIRS workshop on `Totally Disconnected Locally Compact Groups via Group Actions’ (online) 15th-20th August 2021, entitled `Orbits of Sylow p-subgroups of finite permutation groups’.
Cheryl gave a plenary talk in the conference G2S2 -- Groups and Graphs, Semigroups and Synchronization, Sochi, on August 12, entitled “Basic edge-transitive oriented graphs of valency four”
Cheryl gave the Clay Lecture at the 28th British Combinatorial Conference on July 6, Durham, entitled “Codes and designs in Johnson graphs”. Video available at BCC 2021 Plenary Talks and paper summary at
Cheryl spoke with Frances Vaughan (International Science Council) at the Association of Women in Sciences conference on July 9, Dunedin AWIS Conference 2021 - AWIS , in a session on Mentoring and Leadership. Their presentation was entitled “Pursuing gender equality through global leadership”.
Cheryl spoke at the The Australian Women's Leadership Symposium, Perth on July 8 , in a panel discussion on “Embracing the ‘other’ in others and ourselves”
Cheryl was an invited speaker in the Symmetry of Graphs, Maps and Polytopes Minisymposium at the 8th European Congress of Mathematics (8ECM), Potoroz, on June 22; her talk was entitled “Having fun with designs”.
Cheryl gave the “Niven Lecture” at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, on June 1. This is a public lecture given to mathematics graduates at the time of their graduation (and their graduation happened remotely in 2021). Her lecture was entitled:the “Mathematics of Shuffling”.
Cheryl spoke at the World Science Festival, Brisbane, on March 27, as part of a panel on “Why trust a scientist”.
Cheryl gave a plenary ;lecture at the 52nd South Eastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory & Computing, Boca Raton, Florida on March 9, entitled “Finite edge-transitive Cayley graphs: quotient graphs and Frattini groups”.
Cheryl was an invited speaker at the 11th Iranian Conference on Graph Theory and Algebraic Combinatorics, Urmia University, Iran (online). 4-5th March 2021. Her talk was entitled “Finite edge-transitive Cayley graphs: quotient graphs and Frattini groups”.
Cheryl gave the University of Manchester Pure Mathematics Colloquium on April 16,
Cheryl gave the April 2021 MATRIX online seminar, see
Cheryl will give a.lecture in "Combinatorics Today Series” on September 24, organised by the Combinatorial Mathematics Research Group of Institut Teknologi Bandung.(ITB)
Cheryl will give a plenary lecture at the biennial conference of the Australian Association of mathematics Teachers (AAMT) on September 29
Cheryl will give an invited talk at the 52nd Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference on September 1,
Stephen was an invited speaker for Ischia Group Theory 2020/2021 (online) 25-26th March 2021. His talk was entitled “Most permutations power to a cycle of small prime length”.
Published papers
John Bamberg, Giusy Monzillo, Alessandro Siciliano. Pseudo-ovals of elliptic quadrics as Delsarte designs of association schemes. Linear Algebra and its Applications 624 (2021), pp. 281--317. doi
Michael Giudici and Carlisle S. H. King. Edge-primitive 3-arc-transitive graphs. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 151 (2021), 282--306. doi
Alice Devillers and Cheryl E. Praeger, On flag-transitive imprimitive 2-designs, J. Combin. Designs 29(8) (2021) 552--574. doi
Dmitry Churikov and Cheryl E Praeger, Finite totally k-closed groups. Trudy Instit. Mat. i Mek. UrO RAN 27, No.1 (2021), 240-245. doi
Behnam Khosravi). And Cheryl E Praeger, Normal edge-transitive Cayley graphs and Frattini-like subgroups J. Alg. doi
Cheryl E. Praeger, Codes and designs in Johnson graphs with high symmetry, in the Surveys in Combinatorics 2021, Cambridge University Press,.pp. 321-342. doi
Nemanja Poznanovic and Cheryl E. Praeger, Four-valent oriented graphs of biquasiprimitive type, Algebraic Combin. 4 (2021), 409-434. doi
R. A. Bailey, Peter J. Cameron, Michael Kinyon, and Cheryl E. Praeger, Diagonal groups and arcs over groups. Des. Codes Crypt. doi
Stephen Glasby, Cheryl E Praeger and William R. Unger, Most permutations power to a cycle of small prime length. Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc.. doi
Cheryl E Praeger, Foreword, to Report: Impact of COVID-19 on women in the STEM workforce | Asia–Pacific Australian Academy of Science, 2021
Accepted papers
John Bamberg, Alexander Bors, Alice Devillers, Michael Giudici, Cheryl E. Praeger, and Gordon Royle. Orbits of Sylow subgroups of finite permutation groups, arxiv
Alice Devillers, Michael Giudici and Wei Jin. Arc-transitive bicirculants. Journal of the London Mathematical Society. arxiv
John Bamberg, Alice Devillers, Joanna Fawcett and Cheryl E. Praeger, Partial linear spaces with a rank 3 affine primitive group of automorphisms J. London Math Soc, 69 pages, doi
Prabir Bhattacharya and Cheryl E Praeger, Circulant association schemes on triples, New Zealand Journal of Mathematics. arxiv
S. P. Glasby, E. Pierro and Cheryl E Praeger, Point-primitive generalised hexagons and octagons and projective linear groups. Ars Math. Contemporanea. arxiv
R. A. Bailey, Peter Cameron, Cheryl Praeger and Csaba Schneider, The geometry of diagonal groups, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. doi
Cheryl E Praeger and Lesley A. Ward, Women in Mathematics Special Interest Group of the Australian Mathematical Society, to appear in Fifty Years of Women in Mathematics: Reminiscences, History, and Visions for the Future of AWM, to be published by Springer, in January 2022
Submitted papers
John Bamberg, Michael Giudici, Jesse Lansdown, Gordon Royle. Synchronising primitive groups of diagonal type exist. arxiv
John Bamberg, Jesse Lansdown, Implications of vanishing Krein parameters on Delsarte designs, with applications in finite geometry. arxiv
Dominik Bernhardt, Tim Boykett, Alice Devillers, Johannes Flake, S. P. Glasby, The groups G satisfying a functional equation f(xk)=xf(x) for some k∈G. arxiv
Daniel R. Hawtin, Jesse Lansdown, The Non-Existence of Block-Transitive Subspace Designs. arxiv
Seyed Hassan Alavi, Ashraf Daneshkhah, Alice Devillers and Cheryl E. Praeger, Block-transitive designs based on grids,